True North!

It is too far; looking back in the days when I took my first training flight on Cessna 172 after finishing my ground school in Brampton Flight Club, I soon realize how important it is to understand True North & Magnetic North~ In theory classes & on internet we learn a lot but when it comes to be in the moment i.e. to be in real time flying machine that you are going to master each flight by flight. Think for a moment if you are flying right on top of North Pole what would be your North?

In this article, I would like to express the understanding and importance of True North & Magnetic North for UAV’s Pilots since they are not onboard of that flying machine yet the one have to understand the fundamentals of Navigation. As a UAV Pilot I experienced phenomenal truth about Navigations while flying drones in the North Region of Canada and decent experience to fly small aircrafts such as Cessna right from Class Bravo Airport flying outskirts pursuing PPL in near future~ Living right across Pearson International Airport for quite a long time, gave me opportunity to explore my Career in aviation and fortunately I got opportunity to work on airside. Airport activities & understanding of Navigations right on runways, it is non stoppable journey when it comes to operations but lets get back to True North~

My first visit to NASA decade ago was another milestone for me to add in my profile after passing streets of Florida in Hollywood Studios, countless activities kept overwhelming throughout days that we passed in Orlando. It was our original plan to see Live Space Shuttle Launch that later got rescheduled by NASA for unknown reason but all those shuttle launch pads in-fact one has shuttle attached to launch for another project. If someone is considering career in Space then understanding the cores of Compasses might not be good idea but for those flying aircrafts on earth it is essential to mesmerize and master this instrument that gets embedded into small and big aircrafts.

Sitting on boat in the middle of sea unknown directions where to go, was similar experience of my first flight while I look down on ground and I was lost where we came from and where we are going but slowly I perfected my skill and in 2021 I am well aware about navigations appealing to all those drone Pilots to understand the navigations. There are numerous ways to learn and explore skills these days, not like back in the days from Middle east we use to write letters & send via colleagues going for vacation back home~

Being a part of growing global community, India became one of the well known countries in terms of economy. It is not too far when our sky will be full of flying objects with known understanding of navigations in order to avoid collisions~