Private Pilot License Training

Coming Soon!~

At Martianis Flight Club, we provide Private Pilot License training self-paced in Jalandhar City. Unless like college program, student at Martianis can attend classes on their flexible schedules and finish air exercises according to financial arrangements~ To become a Pilot the first qualification you need is English! If you can read; speak and understand English then you can definitely become pilot as long as you are good in health.

Private Pilot Licence – Advantages and PPL Privileges

  • Fly solo at 19
  • Fly single engine aircraft
  • Fly anywhere in India
  • Carry 3 passengers
  • Obtain additional ratings and licenses
private pilot license in jalandhar

Become Pilot in 4 easy steps:

Ground School – In only 45 hours of Ground school you will learn everything you need to know to pass your written exam.  Topics include Navigation, Meteorology, Air Law and General Knowledge.

Dual – Your Flight Instructor will show how easy and fun it is to fly an airplane in as little as 25 hours!  This will prepare you for your Flight Test and teach you to become a safe pilot.

Solo – Your first solo flight is something that you will remember forever!  This stage of flying is normally completed in your first 10 or 15 hours of training, and is the first time you fly without an instructor on board the aircraft.

Private Pilot Licence – Once you have met the requirements for this you will be able to take friends or family members with you when you go flying.  Imagine going to Toronto for lunch or add a night rating to your licence and go on overnight trips!

Private Pilot Licence Training

The Private Pilot Licence term within the Program involves over 80 hours of classroom instruction and 50-60 hours flying. You can expect to “solo” after 15-20 hours of dual time with a flight instructor. Classroom study is focused on subjects that include Air Law and Procedures, Navigation, Meteorology, Theory of Flight, Airframes, Engines and Systems, Flight Instruments, Flight Operations, Pilot Decision-Making and Human Factors in Flying. Upon completion of this training segment, a student will demonstrate proficiency through both a written exam and flight test administered by DGCA and earn a Radio Telephone Operator’s Certificate.

Successful candidates who like to pursue career as a Pilot moves to program called Private Pilot License that permits an individual to fly VFR flights anywhere within Indian Airspace within VFR conditions. To become fully licensed pilot, candidate have to do Air Exercises learning to control aircraft and maintain stability, level, avionics etc. Initial phase is to be accomplished with Certified Trainer followed by solo flights that candidate must do individually to perform all skills that learned with instructor.

The program includes detailed studies about the subjects:
Section 1: Airspace, Air Traffic rules and procedures
Section 2: RPAS airframes, Power plants,
Propulsion & Other Onboard Systems
Section 3: Human factors
Section 4: Meteorology
Section 5: Navigation
Section 6: Flight Operations
Section 7: Theory of Flight - CARs 
Section 8: Radiotelephony/VFR Phraseology

And much more while flying up in the Air~

Finally candidate goes to government certified Private Pilot License test center facility and perform skills with examiner to obtain license~

Fees Schedules & Course Duration

The minimum length of program is 6 Months similar to 2 traditional semesters on self paved timing ~

Total Fee for this program is 1 Lac INR + GST that can be arranged in monthly or biweekly installments~

Rental cost varies by the types of Aircraft, Insurance and the duration starting from 5,000 INR per HOUR~

Students can get up-to 25% in Tuition FEE Discount in Pair Program, follow the link to learn more about PP at Martianis~

NOTE: The Tuition Fee does Not include Aircraft Rental i.e. Air Exercises and related expenses~

Admission Requirements

  • Must be 19 Yrs old
  • Metric Standard or +2 with Good Mathematics

Admission Process

First of all fill the application form along with with all contact details and our staff will review application~

If you pass the admission criteria, we will contact you to make further meeting arrangements!

Once all documentation and Personal Interview passed with one of our executives, student will be given schedule to follow!

Finally first day of orientation meeting and take off your Career from there~

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Training Program
Product Name
Private Pilot License Training Course
INR 100,000