
Jail for Drone Pilots!

As everything comes with a price, I decided to share mine that came with privilege’s to work in International Airport Class B Aerodrome and living right across runway suburban’s niehgborhood. Every day used to see 100’s of jumbo right from my window but nowadays sky is silent for a little while~

If I want to fly my drone, I will have to drive near about 80 Miles away from my home to do any test flight but beautiful part in Canada that you can go in un-controlled air space and fly your aircraft with no problem at all versus currently we can see in India Pilots are facing trouble with flying personal aircrafts even for training purposes. Today Drones from companies such as DJI’s are inbuilt with Airspace Categories for flight safety reasons even though some Pilots were able to override settings and fly manual mode in Aerodrome avoiding consequences~ Entrepreneurs who are building drones on their own & selling globally to make fortune should take safety & security measures embedded with aircrafts will certainly enhance experience of flying these incredible machines in sky~

Collision avoid systems & air traffic in manners can be well improved that can serve as internet serving today’s population with integrity~ Nevertheless the category of drone even a Nano Drone or Super drone like ShaktiShaali at Martianis Fleet that predicted capacity to carry payload up-to 100 Kg within 50 Kms of Droneport. It is very important to understand where you can fly drone, as a Pilot it is solely responsibility to produce and acquire all data & attain required permits to fly aircraft & if you are intending to do so; likewise in India if any Pilot like to fly drone, can go to DGCA website and follow documentation pertained prior to take any flight regardless of airspace category.

Let me tell something interesting; if you want to pass the jail for Flying in Class B, you know you can actually fly a Drone in Class B airspace as long as the Drone is equipped with required instruments onboard and Pilot have license to fly that aircraft as instrument rated, take an example of Mode C Transponder. And you can also fly drone in Class B airspace as long as you are inside the building such as Big Warehouse to perform test flights, truth is even I am right across runway I still enjoy the flying machines inside my basement with full gadgets like Pixhawk, GPS Tracker etc that dramatize full scenario of operational DronePort and I also repair drones

Finally I like to express that if someone like to fly a Drone, must understand the Airspace classifications. Certainly any pilot can fly Drone in Class B airspace bypassing jail for drone pilots to fly aircraft as non restricted airspace following all legal rules & regulations laid by aviation ministries! Flying aircraft in controlled airspace without following ATC instructions could end up in consequences~

Join Martianis and learn in full details about Aerial Machines and how to fly them~