
Impact of Drones on Humans Daily Life~

Fog comes in different season & according to atmosphere at particular place, I have not seen much but writing some places where I have seen Fog such as North India, Middle East, Florida, & finally where I live & keep observing environment as a part of my hobby~ Here are some facts that I believe to be happen in a very short time period and the impact going to be several sectors of industry! I have been working in aviation for quite a few years and throughout years of study with practical experience, these facts are also result of research on drones impact on humans life~

These are the ideal changes of technology taking apart in near future~

Daily Life Cycle – Shopping

Thought came early in morning to write about impact of Drones on daily life of humans i.e. changes in daily activities in next decade with the ease of UAV systems. There is going to be a lot to come in changes when drones are going to fly in our skies as low as we can see them flying like birds. Shopping experience was never that much easy & accessible that we have got today in 2021, just past few months I have spend more than $ 20,000 CAD on Amazon online buying drone parts and DIY things to build our systems at Martianis to make sustainable things in the sky while flying from point a to b & going through several others to reach point Z. The business model that Amazon has developed & successful operational in North America, India and name any other country on globe that have not heard name of Mr Bezos. If you place an order by 9 PM just before you go to bed and by the Time wake up and have peak on phone have email says, you have package delivered at your door. You open up your door and your product in hand without leaving your home, you have Thing in your palm this is how pleased service called Prime Amazon.

Let’s elaborate this package at door in details, most of the continents on globe already running successful drone delivery network that deliver things at the back yard of home. USA, UK and China already ahead of this game and think about Amazon who is one of the players on the gem. Life is going to be changed very soon when sky traffic is under control and user can get things in matter of minutes on the top roof of a small home in the city like Jalandhar in Punjab. Drone pilot training institute like Martianis Flight Club in North India offering wide range of aviation study programs and soon starting drone delivery network for youth to set up Career in aviation as professional drone pilot or air traffic control and much more coming up!

Education Impact of Drones & Technologies

In the next stage I would like to have attention on the impact on education system and how it going to happen! A 747 jumbo jet Pilot carry’s thousands of flying hours as experience to handle from small Cessna aircraft to this Giant flying bus; he/she/they must have learned how to do so, right! Aviation education was always considered to be expensive in a way but time has changed, now becoming a Pilot in self paved environment is the most trending program that youth choosing these days to start Career as professional pilot. Since flying passenger plane costs a lot more than flying non passenger onboard that is called Unmanned Aerial Vehicle also known as Drone, it cost very minimal to become professional drone pilot & draw same wages as traditional pilots make. Aviation sector is going to second backbone on planet earth as Internet is one first place! Flight of either drone or 747 jumbo jet need planning before it gets up in the air to perform its job it is intended to do so, most of it gets handled by human beings apart from computers & their intelligence we use~

Airport/DronePort, Sky Traffic Management Systems & Flying actual operations needs manpower and only can recruited of Humans not yet this complex structure can be handled by robots otherwise Air Traffic Controllers would already have lost their jobs in 2021. Running an airport is a like a Live show 24×7 and 365 days in a year, once the operation is started it keeps running in a circle a service & merge commercial services within. Hence, coming time is full of opportunities that can be filled if you are capable to perform skills take responsibilities and without education it is not going to be possible.

Healthcare & Systems

We published an article earlier about Dr Drone in Punjab, you may find in archive that was addressed to general public how it is going to be in the near future when drones are in full functions flying safe & sound in sky. Healthcare is going to be much better even what we have now in 2021, when an old lady patient sitting in yard of rural home sending dispatch to Doctor Drone and deliver some medicine that can heal her pain till morning comes and she becomes able to walk to real doctor.

Or take another example when ShaktiShaali Drone that is in Martianis Fleet and built for rescue operations will be able to transport Payload of 100+ Kgs to transport Humans on emergency situations. Companies worldwide working to make drones & its management technologies more better day by day. UAV systems are predominantly heading from earth to space carrying first flying drone helicopter on other planet Mars that is the first exoplanet victory of humans but never forgotten its given grace by mother nature.

Transportation Sector

There is much to cover about impact of drones on humans life, we will extend this article in upcoming posts to collaborate with other. Now, transportation sector considered as back bone of North American economy became globally equal setting up international standards that is being followed to deliver things & humans in a safe manner.

Drone Taxi already introduced in some parts of the world in soon going to be seen in India with no wonder when sky is rocketing with many other monuments that is in the south Asian continent. Drone delivery network in Punjab by Martianis going to create 100’s & 1000’s of jobs in aviation sector delivering small things like Pizza or giant payload by ShaktiShaali Drone in emergency situations.