
Greenfield Airport & Droneport for UAV’s

The first glimpse of sunshine early in the morning and glowing green runway lights wakes me up to set my dream of having small airport for drones for national & international flights that I named DronePort. Fully functional airport same as you may find Toronto Pearson International, at MARS Droneport in Punjab we are developing things to send to space so why not international drone flights. Dream gets hammered when every time I see that first sunshine but from different angle on airside when things are running live a show~ At Martianis we are committed to provide the best aviation education and have first commercial DronePort that will be able handle International flights so one day we can send our Nano Satellite to space from right from our DronePort flight to launch site. Our Droneport will be equipped with the applications such as, I am just going to outline in this article:

Air Traffic Control Tower

We are intending to obtain license permit for Class G or D Airspace so we can start to establish our services. Controlled airspace will have safe & sound environment for flying vehicles in dense populated city. Controlled Airspace in Jalandhar City will raise thousands of opportunities for public & small business owners.


The next thing I would like to sketch on my dreamy DronePort is Lighting. Lighting on runway is a state of art piece of technology that was something revolutionary when lights in patterns becomes itself traffic rules to follow. Vasi & Papi systems is another set of example & application that I would like to have on our DronePort.


Not like traditional airplane hangers that requires acres of land, hangers in DronePort are vertical so forth we have planned to accommodate minimum of 100 drones in miscellaneous sizes.

Fire Prevention Systems

The most essential plan in whole operation and critical yet sophisticated systems required to combat fire in case of emergencies. The FPS in operational manual will be documented and will play vital role in 24×7 time cycle.


At Martianis DronePort one of the featured service is Fuel, whether it comes to Gasoline or Electric. Some of the LIPO batteries will be available fully pre-charged for generic models like DJI or Tesla. We will be offering fuel to aircrafts those can land and take off vertically other than if it is just small drone that can land on 60 Feet strip of runway.

Maintenance Groups

One of the integer part on the ramp whether it is small operation or big but services required stay the same in both ways, the maintenance group required in 24×7 rotation on 365 days cycle. Each personnel certified and skilled professional with sharp eyes the subject that they are trained for, at MARS DronePort that is the first commercial DronePort in Punjab offering exclusive services that were never introduced before! It is the maintenance group on the ramp is trained to take immediate decision on their own if they have to in order to keep Safety as our priority for personal & public. Each employee is a block in the organization’s chain & plays roles while moving, the operations manual defined well where members are encourage to review thoroughly & comply with it~ At this stage we will have thousands of job opportunity in Aviation to make turning point in the history of Punjab.


Other interesting & innovative part on the ramp is markings, just like lights shine up the night face of airport and markings plays alongside role in day time. It is art embedded on the ground for Pilots to understand where to & what to do in some cases where Forced Marks on runway can be found. Some of marks are appealing whereas some of them are cautions of danger.

Weather Station

Here is closing part so far, we will expand the runway thoughts in later article~

Weather is like mother of aviation; of-coarse it is Mother Nature but real time, flying & weather have much to do together~ We will establish weather station at MARS DronePort that will co-ordination with flight operations to stay safe & sound.

Follow the link to see location on Google Map: