
Foggy Summer in Middle East

Exploring Fog on our planet that is called Earth~ Back in the days near about 2 decades ago when I flew first time in Jumbo jet and landed in Middle-eastern sand city named Abu Dhabi. In my first year of struggle I got chance to explore way of things that I was not able to do after becoming Safety Professional and took responsibilities of given projects in the city.

Living in suburbs of city Abu Dhabi in UAE, we (group of employees) all were being transported to remote project projects by pick up trucks. Those truck are built for multi-purposes hence worth company was using for material transportation to construction as well employees whatever they can to move on~ First time I saw fog in hot summer and the humidity I would rate about 80%, we use to cover our faces in morning while travelling because of little bugs before hot sun rise and during day time due to killing hot waves that almost have burnt our first skin in first year, following year we get use to it. I do not know the natural phenomena why and how fog comes in summer, you can google it.

Now, lets talk about humidity for drones! Sun rise early and starts to shine when you can fly your drone with given permissions and parameters but what about that poor drone which is going to fly in environment, did we prepare that drone to tackle that kind of environment or in other words, can we improve environment conditions with drones before sun rises? There is controversy about VLOS & BVLOS operations 24×7 in order to streamline logistics chain same as trucking industry moves 24×7 with or without parameters. Companies like Amazon developing prototypes of flying giant warehouse to deliver things faster than ever in the history of mankind.

Fog, no matter which country you see, have impact on traffic direct or in-direct! So I wonder what will drone technology will be contributing to handle fog in order to avoid traffic collisions. Innovation hub at Martianis Flight Club have been established to develop future technologies to help mankind and ease life and it the first of a kind where we soon will be developing things to send in earth orbit. Hundreds and thousands of road accidents can numbered on the globe due to fog and nothing technically has been done so far other than traffic signs and other media platforms. Can roads be Fog Free with Drone Technology, we will explore Fog more in upcoming posts~