Drone Transponder Mode Dr

As law enforcement around the globe moving forward with unique identification system for unmanned aerial vehicles to avoid collision in fast paved sky traffic when drones are delivering consumer items right on top of roof!

At Martianis, we have developed this little black that is under testing and soon will be available in global market. Mode Dr Transponder is made for drones that is integrated with cloud based platform where Pilots can view live GPS location of flying aircrafts on the internet via web browser or mobile app, just like many other web based applications to track Live Aircraft location around the world take example of FlightRadar24.com

An independent battery powered transponder for unmanned aerial vehicle developed by Martianis Engineering team identified as Mode Dr. abbreviated for Drones. Unlike traditional radar that scan sky for flying aircrafts equipped with transponders those are sending signals via satellites, century have changed many things in aviation as moving traditional radar systems to the internet.

Little black box features:

  • GPS Location
  • Altitude
  • Camera
  • Temperature
  • Humidity

Product is under test within Class B Airspace for more than 8 Months and soon beta version will be released. The black box called mode dr transponder is integrated with cloud based platform and will be available on a sub-domain of martianis.com. The beta version only be available via web browser in beginning phase and later will be available on all other platforms such as Android and iOS for both mobile and tablets. Martianis releasing beta version of this Transponder but the source code will remain open and have public accessible.

The project contains several modules that combines to main hub and updates data sets on cloud servers via application processing interface. We will elaborate each module one by one since one who like to build little things not required to achieve all modules and certainly it reduces the cost of hardware itself. First of all we will take simple yet powerful electronics interface chip called ESP8266, main module comes ESP have it has several different versions according to output required for example module with wifi or without~ This is how it looks like!


The very first module we will make with this computing chip and sensor to determine temperature & humidity in environment, at Martianis Drone Transponder Dr using DHT11 sensor with Li-ion battery to power the circuit. And this is how finally the circuit looks like as it is wired with schematics shown in image below~

In order to run this microcontroller chip, it needs have firmware on it say in simple words that it needs a software program that will run functions such as running data sensors, collecting data and post on any platform via api system. You may follow page link from menu “How its made” or click this to review source code in details and how to burn it on this ship so it can start working as requirements written on in in programming language. It uses JavaScript as main programming language that allows this chip to become a server or a wifi router with a single page script.