drone pilot jobs

Drone Pilot Careers in 21st Century~

Huge number of entrepreneurs won the race passing through crises waves that all of us have seen in 2020, despite of that large amount of investment have piled just within this era.

Technology was different a decade ago & will be twice more advanced in coming decade similar impact on human life, living standards a decade ago was totally different that today’s social mania! Flying machines in 19th century were far different than we see in sky today likewise driving cars on the road although the rules & regulations gets amended time wise in order to remain safe & sound. Aircraft controls, management systems and all other flight management aspects comes in place for drones as well hence UAV Pilots must have similar knowledge as any other Pilot; a Pilot is a Pilot!

Becoming a Pilot was long term dream for those, without going to college or university with pocket full of money but in today’s date it is absolutely possible to do so in-fact it is more easier than ever in history of aviation. Un-manned Aerial Vehicles traditionally known as Drones have open new window for transportation industry and have created thousands of vendors making little parts for Remotely Piloted Aircrafts. Transporting things with drones requires Pilots, Flight Plans, Air Traffic Routes etc all other similar procedures that typically comes in part for Air Transportation regardless cargo or human. India lately introduced new regulations that allows a Pilot or a company to perform BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line of Sight) Operations, detailed CAR’s can be found on DGCA website. BVLOS operations being performed in many sectors in 2021, take an example of Fire Fighting Drones on 40 Floor Building that reached top floor in few moments with bulky pipe thrashing water gallons to cool down burning fire. As heard, DGCA working on Air Traffic routes and management where companies like Martianis Offering full fledge platform to run the whole operations of flights from delivering Pizzas on top roof to transporting Humans in safe manner.

Endless opportunities are available for Drone Pilots in 21st century and becoming one was never so easy than today~ Professional drone pilot having experience on hand opens many doors to enter, choice is there~ At Martianis we are currently hiring professional drone pilots as a part of Drone Delivery Network and expanding day by day~