Controlled & Uncontrolled Airspace to Fly Drones in Punjab

Recently it is been noticed that number of nations taken strict actions & laid frameworks of law enforcement when it comes to fly drones. Indian government also implemented Civil Aviation Regulations in which one of the major one is BVLOS Operation that allows a Pilot to fly UAV simply known as drone, far away from line of sight in-fact a Pilot can fly aircraft nationwide as long as flying under regulations. Airspace in North India is not much busy than other regions such in South cities like Delhi & Bombay unknown reasons why North is not busy! This article is focused on Airspace in Punjab and how it is distributed~

Pilots are well aware of controlled & un-controlled airspace where and where not to fly~ Another type of air space that is important to know when flying an aircraft is Restricted Airspace that means Pilot can not fly at all in that air space, as it known Restricted! Each nation has their own defence systems where army and/or military play vital role gets their privilege’s such as Restricted Air Space that gets restricted for civilians in other words for Civil Aviation for both passenger and cargo air transportation! In VFR charts restricted area can be identified with Red Color lines.

Elaborating Controlled & Un-Controlled Air Space further; first of all if you are flying an Aircraft, a small drone out there in public or big aircraft taking off from nearby cricket ground! You must know the regulations of flying that is well specified in CAR’s and can be found in DGCA websites. In order to take of giant drone probably need a runway that are available in airports and in 21st century, airports can be found in every corner of regions. Airports are divided into categories according to number of factors in aviation it is known as classes, starting from Class A to G in which only class F & G is uncontrolled air space in which Pilots no need clearance to fly within that air space. Each flight is like a project and requires detailed flight plan and interactions between other channels while flight operation is in motion, it is like a Live show with Zero tolerance in safety standards of civil aviation. Find out in resources and refer to VFR charts prior to take off any flight~

Punjab have major 5 airports that are currently in service; Chandigarh, Ludhiana, Halwara, Adampur and Bias in-which Adampur Airport comes under Restricted area since it is defence airbase for long time, recently got open for certain civil domestic flights but all other holds controlled air space that means if a pilot wants to fly in that region/airspace, required clearance from ATC (Air Traffic Control) Tower from related airport. Latest VFR survey done by Canadian UAV Pilot & former employ of Class B airport from Canada Mr Viney Bhagat on city of Jalandhar that is documented uncontrolled air space that it means; to fly an aircraft with BVLOS operations within the city of Jalandhar certainly following regulations, do not required any clearance and gives Pilots the opportunity to explore the widen sky on horizons~ Soon after Martianis Flight Club members will have privileges to fly in un-controlled air space for commercial or training purposes! Learn how to fly a drone and lease it for your own purposes such as delivering Pizzas in nearby villages~